Update payment information

You can also login to your Member Connect to make changes.

Monthly donations starting at $8/mo are eligible to access the NPR+ Podcast Bundle! Please check the box below to receive access to sponsor-free listening, bonus episodes, and more. A valid email address is required to receive this benefit.

NOTE: If you want to cancel your sustaining membership or need to update your credit card expiration date please email us at members@wesa.fm.

Please enter your current monthly gift amount

Please specify amount:

Please select the day of the month you would like your credit card to be charged.
Note: your first donation will be charged today.

Please select the day of the month you would like your donation to be processed.
Note: your first payment will not occur until the next occurrence of this day.

Your information

First and Last Name
Zip Code
Email Address
Phone Number
Please share any additional comments or questions below.

I understand that by clicking "continue" below, I am authorizing WESA to make these changes on my behalf. I understand that this agreement will remain in effect until I contact WESA to cancel my sustaining membership or make subsequent changes.

Please verify your information. Check the "I am not a robot" below and click continue to finish your donation.
